• What We Do

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    LoveTouchHeal incorporates a unique combination of Hands- on- Healing and massage to facilitate maximum health and well being for your animal companion.

    Each session is different and tailored to the animal’s individual needs.

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    Animal Massage

    The addition of gentle massage (including techniques such as TTouch, Myofacial release, Acupressure, Trigger Point Therapy) serves to accelerate and promote the removal of toxins and metabolic waste buildup in the body.


    Penelope was trained in the Brennan Healing Science technique.


    To learn more about this modality and its effectiveness, please visit:

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    A session with Penelope can help restore and promote health by:

    • Strengthening the  immune system
    • Accelerating recovery time pre- and post-operative
    • Decreasing inflammation and swelling
    • Relieving stress, anxiety and fear
    • Relieving pain, stiffness, sorenessarthritic conditions and restoring flexibility 
    • Releasing toxins and build up
      of metabolic waste from body
    • Promoting circulation and absorption of nutrition to tissues
    • Promoting socialization and bonding
    • Promoting relaxation body awareness
    • Restoring emotional bonding between person/animal

    LoveTouchHeal is a complementary healing modality and does not take the place of proper veterinary care. We do not diagnose or prescribe.

    Healing with Samson

  • TEstimonials

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    It was miraculous! After two sessions with Penelope, Chida was able to walk again! Thank you for your beautiful work!


    -Teres R.


    Chida, our 13 year old Golden Retriever couldn't stand up or get onto her feet. We had to lift her and carry her to relieve herself. The vet couldn't find anything wrong with her. After two sessions with Penelope, she was on her feet wagging her tail. It was incredible to witness the transformation.




    I'm in tears. Midget is so happy and pain-free! Thank you, thank you!!
    - Linda L.

    Midget has a new life. He not only prances when he runs,He plays with Calvin, well as much as he knows how. We go for walks, he runs ahead of me, stops, waits for me to catch up, and runs again. I'm in tears. He's so happy and pain free. Thank you. Thank you Thank you.


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    I think Penelope has a gift. A gift with animals, her connection to them, and her healing properties. I would recommend her to anyone. - Meike K.

    Penelope helped my dog Omar after he was attacked by another dog nearly 200 lbs. The other dog hurt him so badly we didn't know if Omar would recover. Omar, 13 years old was greatly traumatized and had over 150 stitches. After the attack, we questioned if he would recover, emotionally and physically. Penelope spent two hours with Omar, healing and laying with him. After her healing, Omar slept all night and into the next day. When he woke up, he stood up sprightly, stitches and protective cone and all, wagged his tail and ran to us for the usual loving.

    My whole family saw the shift in Omar's energy, his regained confidence, his incredible rebound.

    My 14-year old son, remarked on Penelope's gift. We were all incredibly grateful to see Omar overcome one of the biggest traumas of his life. Penelope has been an amazing catalyst, shifting what was to be a slow and unexpected process, into a wonderful and profound shift in Omar's energy and healing.


  • What is HandS-on-Healing?



    As a healer I view the animal’s health from the perspective of the “whole being”. Disruption or blockage


    of vital healthy energy or life force, will eventually manifest as dysfunction or disease within the physical, 


    emotional or spiritual bodies of the animal. The healer acts as a conduit. The heightened frequency


    flowing from the hands of the healer to the animal helps to clear these blockages or stuck energy. 


    When balance is restored and the system is re-aligned, the body’s innate healing ability is able to


     function properly, which often results in an improvement or resolution of symptoms or disease. Animals


    inherently sense this and are very receptive to this work.




    Penelope is trained in the Brennan Healing Science technique.


    To learn more about this modality and it's effectiveness, please visit








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  • About Penelope


    Penelope is a certified small animal massage therapist and Hands-on-Healer, trained in the Brennan


    Healing Science modality. She has also been trained as an animal communicator by pioneer Penelope


    Smith and Mary J. Getten. Her lifelong love and respect for all animals prompted her to become a


    vegetarian at the age of eight . Her childhood dream was realized when she was given a Saint


    Bernard puppy for Christmas. All of her animals: dogs, cats, mice and fish,continue to hold a special place


    in her heart. Penelope considers it an honor and a mission to work with animals and to 


    alleviate pain and promote healing whenever possible.





    Ojai School Of Canine Massage

    Barbara Brennan School of Healing

    School for Enlightenment and Healing

    Animal Communication with Penelope Smith, Mary J. Getten

    Red Cross Cat and Dog First Aid Certified

    Volunteer California Wildlife Center



    Additional courses of study:


    The Pathwork Center

    Core Energetics with John Pierakkos

    Vipassana meditation

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  • favorite quotes

    We always strive for the best.

    "Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission - to be of service to them wherever they require it."

     --St. Francis of Assisi

    He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.”

    - Unknown


    Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

    - Anatole France

    Time spent with animals is never wasted

    - Sigmund Freud

  • Animal gallery

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    Fossey + Puddington waiting for the 2-for-Special!

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    Cleo in the Snow

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    Baby Deer Looking for it's Mother

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    Bird Dog Diana

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    Beloved Reggie Boy


    • Each session is individual and takes about 45-minutes to one-hour depending on your animals needs.

    • Please contact Penelope at 310.402-7385 or penelope@lovetouchheal.co